Changelog 045
Jan 19, 2024
Hi crew, these last two weeks, we've seen some exciting user-facing projects launch!
Pricing is 0% margin on GPU time
Announced one month ago, we wanted to be sure to get this documented in a changelog.
Banana's role has always been to deploy your AI workloads, cheaply and with peace of mind. Using platform margin as revenue, for many reasons, did not serve that vision.
Read more about this change in the original announcement.
Excitedly, with this change, we move Banana in the direction of being a multi-cloud orchestrator, saving you the time and focus to manage this yourself, without adding compute margin on top.
Which leads us to our next big feature:
Deploy Banana projects to Runpod VMs (and save $$$)
Banana is now multi-cloud! And as a result, around 50% cheaper.
In addition to the default Coreweave backend, users may now request to deploy their Banana projects to Runpod's on-demand VM cloud.
Since the pricing change, it's been a huge customer priority to be able to select the fastest, cheapest, and/or highest availability machines to autoscale on. These choices are not one-size-fits-all, so the more options, the better!
Runpod on-demand VM pricing is generous, currently boasting more than 50% lower cost than Coreweave for A5000 backends.
Pricing on 3rd party providers is subject to change and out of our control, of course, but it's yet another lever you can use to optimize latency, cost, and availability based on your needs.
Contact the Banana team at [email protected] if you'd like to get new or existing Banana deployments moved to Runpod.
Pull from private Docker registries during build
Does your Dockerfile have FROM some/private:registry
and it's blocked you?
Fear not. You now can add your docker registry credentials (safely encrypted) in your project settings.
Until next week!