Changelog 043
December 15, 2023
Friday Changelog:
"It's Time To Build" - Banana team, in a unique quote, definitely not from anyone else
New Build Pipeline
We've rebuilt the build system from the ground up, ready for the next 100x scale.
Users on the new system get the benefits of:
- Build caching, with up to 75% speedup on subsequent builds
- No indefinitely stuck builds
- No waiting in line for your own builds
- No waiting in line for other user's builds (gross, we know)
And it's more secure
Build VMs are now completely destroyed after use, ensuring your code stays your code.
Faster Build Logs
With the new build pipeline, logs are streamed realtime so it will be much simpler to understand and debug builds.
Build History In UI
The builds tab now shows Builds as a history. This enables upcoming features such as rollbacks and redeploys.

Build Logs In CLI
Running banana deploy
from the Banana CLI now will stream logs from the build into the terminal so you can monitor it from the comfort of the command line.