Changelog #041
November 25, 2023
Follow along on Twitter for detailed updates and improvements made to Banana.
Happy Friday everyone!
We're thrilled to deliver you yet another changelog. Three big things for you this week:
Billing Analytics
Have you been wanting to better understand your GPU usage over time? This is a ship for you:
Teams may now view their historical GPU time and spend plotted out on Banana's new analytics page. The stats are combined across all projects within the team and should help you understand your billing and control your usage accordingly.
This is in addition to the project-level analytics launched two weeks ago, which shows request traffic over time.
Note that GPU time is closely tied, but not directly related, to request volume, due to the fact that replicas cold boot and stay warm for an idle timeout after a request is finished.
Rolling Deploys
For users running always-on replicas, promoting new builds into production will be done gracefuly, ensuring that the new deployment has its minimum replicas spun up and ready to receive traffic before Banana shuts down the prior deployment.
This should be a great quality-of-life improvement for you and your users, allowing you to push to production without worrying about any gaps in uptime.
Mistral 7B Template
With recent skepticism around third-party APIs, many teams are flocking to Banana to set up their own self-hosted models. We've put up a template for Mistral 7B to help users make this transition.
Find the source code here, and a tutorial guide here.
That's all! Until next week,
- Erik
If you have any feature suggestions, improvements, or bug reports, send us a message or let us know in #support or #feature-requests on Discord.